Recently I needed a form, loaded by reflection, that dealt with a collection of some type. I figured that we need to know the type when we loaded the form, so it would be better to have a generic form (save it having to check the object type through reflection for every action).

Turns out that .Net can handle generic forms fine, but the form designer in VS2008 can't. So, a code example:

public partial class MyGenericForm<T> : Form where T : class { /* form code */ public List<T> TypedList { get; set; } } This compiles and runs but crashes the form's designer. It will also crash if you have any resources loaded for the form (images for instance).

The Xbox 360's dashboard was quite impressive when the console launched, mainly because it had one at all. However it's not a particularly well designed interface. It works, but it's slow, clunky and wastes a lot of space. There's been rumours of a redesign for a while now.

Over at they've had a go at imagining how it could be:

It's a well considered design that addresses most of my issues with the current dashboard.

Nice little graphic on the current state of the web.

I've recently been reading The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. His theory (massively simplified) is that big unexpected events come along despite any existing inductive conjecture, but we're prone to make those conjectures anyway.

For instance if you had seen thousands of white swans you might form the hypothesis "all swans are white". However it only takes one black swan to disprove your hypothesis. Had you placed a seemingly safe bet on the next swan being white you would lose out.

There are an awful lot of leadership and management models out there, most appear to be trademarked by consultants offering training in whatever model it is. The MBA teaches lots of them: Blake's Leadership Grid™, Hersey & Blanchard's SLII, Fiedler’s LPC scale, to name but a few. Most have wider messages that are of far more value than the detail.

My own personal opinion is that it all breaks down into three broad archetypes: leaders, managers and bosses.

Rather worryingly I've found myself supporting David Davis recently. I would have put the guy as far away from me politically as it's possible to get, yet he's making a stand for something I believe in. He's resigned to run in a by-election over a single issue: that the government should not be allowed to erode our personal freedoms.

I don't want the government to have the power to detain me without charge or opportunity to defend myself.
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