Job Evaluation is the process of systematically determining a relative value of jobs in an organisation. In all cases the idea is to evaluate the job, not the person doing it.

Job Ranking is the most simple form. Basically you just order the jobs according to perceived seniority. It's easy in a small organisation, but get exponentially difficult with lots of different jobs.

Pair Comparison introduces more rigour by comparing jobs in pairs, but really it's a more structured way of building a basic rank order.

Benchmarking or slotting sets up certain jobs that are analysed in detail. These are then used for comparison to slot jobs against these benchmarks.

Job Matching allocates benchmarks too, but when a position is matched the elements of the job that differ are re-evaluated.

Absorption costing

This is the legal requirement for external reporting of product costs. An organisation’s costs can be broken down into direct ones that link to specific products, and indirect costs that must be ‘absorbed’ by the products.

While a reporting requirement, basic absorption costing does not help with internal decision making. Indirect costs are apportioned in a relatively simplified way, breaking down costs by numbers of units sold.

I think that the general trend is away from scientific management. 'McJob' has become an insult due to it's tayloristic control, time and motion study has come to mean "lay-offs coming", and "fair day's work for a fair day's pay" is not the socialist mantra it once was.

I'm glad someone's tried to map this:

From xkcd, a comic I really like, but I think that might be my Maths background showing.

Saw an interesting program on web 2.0 this morning on the BBC's Click. Web 2.0 seems to be in the news a lot lately, but then it is the new bubble about to burst. The Beeb's coverage isn't usually brilliant. They seem overly fond of 2nd Life, but then I suppose it's more visual than most.

The bit I found interesting was Robert Cailliau of the W3C talking about the web's original purpose:

"The original slogan was always to have a web that was easy to write as it was to read." It really was.

The contract that ensures member participation in a top down organisation has to be very prescriptive: the employees must do as they’re told. While this is still the case in some places it is increasingly difficult to maintain when employees have mobility and flexibility.

People whose basic physiological and security needs have been met will often seek for more from their employer.
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