Friends Reunited was a survior of the original dotcom boom. It's a great way to find contacts from school, assuming that you would want to. You can view a list of people at the school the same time as you and have a little message next to your name. If you really want you can even have a twee little cartoon of yourself.

They make money by requiring you to join in order to put you in contact with anyone.

Facebook is a web 2.0 social networking site. It's like mySpace only prettier, and you have to have a facebook entry in order to view anyone else. Facebook is much more about your current contacts than Friends Reunited, but it allows you to do the same thing: tracking through your old schools. You can view people's photographs and get in touch.

McDonalds is not happy about the term 'McJob' getting onto the dictionary. To be fair they have a point: it is offensive to the people doing such jobs. However it is now in common usage and should be in the dictionary.

McDonalds is one of the few western purely Tayloristic employers left. Scientific Management is an approach of optimising a task until it there is "one best way", then management becomes about purely ensuring that that way is followed.

This by the a guy who writes one of my favorite online comics

There'll be a few of these, I've been working with various forms of the agile method for a while now.

What is Agile?

I don't think there's one answer.

The OLPC is an idea to bring a $100 laptop to every child in the developing nations. It's brillant, important and inventive.

Critically, it's an open source project where the kids who learn on it can really own everything they produce.

For that to work they have to take the skills learnt on the laptop and scale it. It's not just about the cost of the laptop, or even the tools it initially ships with, but the intellectual property rights to the systems that build on it in 10 years time.

I recently wrote about the web 2.0 bubble, and advertising online. I left out one of the big successes of the new web advertising: the referral model.

One highly successful one is based only round the corner from me:

They've been around since before the first dot com boom, when they were a B2B mortgage comparison magazine called Mortgage 2000.
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