Strategy is the planning and processes put in place to achieve long term goals and maintain competitive advantage. Human Resources Management is how you manage the people in your organisation. How the interface between them is managed can drastically change how an organisation functions.

Hard versus soft people management

The word “strategy” has a military origin and for many it implies an authority-driven top-down approach similar to how a General might command his troops. Employees are a resource, to be utilised in the way that is best for the organisation.

In this top-down hard management style the decision making capabilities of the organisation are held by a few individuals at the top.

I think most people get that programmers write software: applications like Word and Excel, web-sites and the operatiing system. Past that, to most people, it might as well be magic. Since I'm writing this for non-programmers too I thought I'd start with the basics...


The most basic form of coding is commonly called scripting.

All right, I have an Xbox 360, I wouldn't call myself a fan-boy or anything but I do play it a lot. I have an interest in the console business though and the current big news is the about-to-arrive Sony PS3.

Now the original PlayStation was a fine machine, and it opened an entire gaming market that no-one had reached before. It (almost!) made consoles grown-up and cool.

In education there is a deal of thought given to how people actually learn. It typically isn’t when they are told something. Educational theorists Kurt Lewin and later David Kolb use a cycle to describe the experiential learning process:

Most learning is through experience, with four steps: Activity – the actual doing of a thing and experiencing the results. Reflection – observation of what happened and review of it. Theorise – break down and analyse the event.

I'm a software development manager: I know lots about programming and am familiar to the average software developer's attitude to business. I'm also aware of the business attitude to, well, pretty much anyone on the IT side of things.

I think that there is real success in being able to join the two up. It's the reason Bill Gates is the richest man in the world.
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